This is my 2D Shooter project for my CAS 117 class at Michigan State University.


1. Made a level 3

2. Changed the sound for each level

3. Changed speed of player and shooting speed

4. Added enemies to level 2 and 3


Created by Andrew Jamison


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Your modifications are a little bit too small to earn full points on the complete project submission.

Your levels are all very similar to each other with maybe the exception of level 3.

The speed of the player and shooting change alone is too simple and easy to do to count as a significant modification. If you paired this with designing the levels around slower movement and slower rate of fire then that broader design decision and change could count.

Swapping out the music in each level is nice but is also too simple. If you create your own music tracks each new piece of music you create would count as a significant modification. Or if you changed the entire soundscape of your game with assets from elsewhere you could count that as one significant modification.